Photo credit: Jasmine Chan, Hong Kong
Learning and development is critically important to ERM and a key area for continuous improvement based on our employee engagement survey results.
Each employee's learning journey at ERM is supported through development conversations and planning with their line manager, online via the ERM Academy, on-the-job training and development programs delivered by our global and regional learning team. There is also knowledge sharing through webinars in Technical and Functional Communities from some of our world-class technical experts. With the vast majority of our employees working from home during the pandemic, we shifted to virtual training and online resources. We provide resources to support employees during COVID-19, from a well-being hub addressing mental and physical stresses to tips to help managers successfully lead their teams during these uncertain and challenging times.
Whether a new consultant starting their career, a professional support role essential to the smooth running of the business, or a Partner looking to grow their skills and further their abilities, ERM provides many opportunities to continuously learn and develop through a blended approach to learning. The ERM Academy, our online portal, is aligned with our career framework at each level. Employees can enhance the skills, knowledge and behaviors they need to adapt to a changing market and advance their career at ERM.
Learning@ERM is dedicated to supporting each employee’s personal and professional growth to deliver exceptional client value. Although a significant percentage of an individual’s learning opportunities come from on-the-job learning, we have a dedicated team of learning professionals and a learning management system to ensure that we offer more formal development that is relevant, current and responds to the changing needs of our employees, our business and learning solutions. For example, we recently deployed training on the transition to lower carbon economy to adapt to changing market needs.
Our blended approach to the development of the skills and capabilities of our people encourages a growth mind-set, which is essential to success in a world of change and complexity."
Heather Swain
Global Head of Talent, Leadership & Learning, ERM
On a global basis, ERM requires all new employees to undertake a mandatory curriculum of training on compliance, health and safety as part of their induction. All such training must be completed within no more than 90 days of start date. Existing employees are required to take refresher web-based training through the ERM Academy. Refresher training covers:
- ERM Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (which includes confidential and personal information and computer security, conflicts of interest, promoting diversity and inclusion, reporting and non-retaliation, and electronic communications);
- Anti-bribery and corruption; and
- Key health and safety policies and processes.
During FY22, we are adding a target on the level of training (formal and on the job) undertaken by our employees. Technical Communities are where our expertise resides in the company, and where thought leadership and innovation occur. A Technical Community is a group of people who share a common technical interest, and who expand their individual and collective knowledge utilizing a range of platforms. Information sharing includes data, tools, research and experiences, new methodologies, best practices and industry developments with a focus on knowledge expansion and problem solving. They are a key platform for technical learning and development, knowledge sharing, and connecting people to new opportunities. We have also introduced the Technical Paper and Publications Awards program, which recognizes skill development through thought leadership and is open to our consultants.
Our Leadership Development programs support our Partners and employees as they transition to the next leadership level, preparing them to take up roles of increasing complexity and learning more about ERM. Collectively the different programs support the development of knowledge, skills, behaviors, relationships and experience required by ERM leaders at different levels in the organization. For example, to empower all our Partners to understand the transition of the global economy and our clients’ changing needs, all Partners participated in a webinar series. The materials will be made available to all employees via the ERM Academy.