New projects are under increasing scrutiny with respect to their potential impacts on natural and human environments and subject to rigorous assessment to understand and mitigate these impacts.
National requirements, and in many cases international standards, must be met in order to secure timely approvals, funding and license to operate. Meeting and complying with these requirements and standards requires a strategic and outcomes-oriented approach as well as impact assessments that are systematic, documented and defensible.
Leveraging world-class expertise and innovative technology
ERM has over 50 years’ experience helping clients plan, assess and deliver new projects on schedule with a diverse range of terrestrial and marine experience and capability. We help companies identify and manage their environmental, social, and cultural impacts and risks throughout the project lifecycle. Gain better insight into strategic risks and opportunities by making your impact transparent and measurable.
Our global team of specialists provides expertise on international standards as well as local regulatory systems and cultural sensitivities. We understand the capital project design process and work with our clients’ engineering teams to share our knowledge from the outset. Our comprehensive support of Environmental and/or Social Impact Assessments (EIAs/ESIAs) includes:
Project feasibility and option assessment, siting, routing and planning
Design-phase impact and risk mitigation support
Resource or ecosystem -specific studies, field surveys and modelling, including cumulative and in-combination assessments
Site characterization and feasibility assessment
Habitats Regulations Assessments (HRA), Derogation and Appropriate Assessment (AA)
Regulatory permitting and approvals
Equator Principles and International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards compliance
Stakeholder / public engagement design and implementation
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), imagery analysis, and digital data management
Financial option analysis/assessments
By harnessing new and developing technologies, such as geospatial data, remote sensing, and unmanned aerial vehicles, we streamline and optimize the impact assessment process and provide more in-depth and tailored impact analyses. Some of our services include:
We use infographics and digital presentations to engage with regulators and community stakeholders more effectively. By ensuring effective communication at every stage – from public exhibitions and meetings to informal interviews and workshops - we help to safeguard and strengthen stakeholder relations.
Working with ERM enables our clients to maximize their return from new projects and developments while maintaining and enhancing their environmental and social performance, enhancing reputations, revenues, and competitive advantage.