Successful compliance assurance programs include strong engagement of operations teams responsible for delivering performance on the ground, not a distant corporate Environmental Health, Safety (EHS) and sustainability team dictating a solution in a vacuum.
Additionally, automation with the latest information solutions can potentially be a double-edged sword, as IT systems do not replace the need for checks and balances - it is critical to cross-check work, test competency, and maintain a robust audit program to provide a full view of where risk remains. A strong management of change process is vital to keep tools fit for purpose and to ensure capable teams are well trained in how to deliver results.
Removing cost and complexity
ERM works with organizations to define, design, and deploy management systems tailored to their business objectives, operating contexts and the unique EHS and sustainability challenges that their businesses need to manage to deliver ongoing success. Our specialist teams focus on material issues, without creating unnecessary work, to ensure streamlined implementation, seamless integration, and effective collaboration with stakeholders across our clients’ businesses.
Our approach is designed to avoid complexity and minimize costs for our clients while ensuring systems can evolve and support compliance as new regulations emerge. Our capabilities include:
- Conducting discovery workshops and gap analysis;
- Designing system frameworks;
- Selecting tools relevant to context, culture and EHSS program maturity;
- Developing and refining the required standards, policies, and procedures;
- Recommending and implementing appropriate information solutions;
- Obtaining and developing technical permits and plans; and
- Day-to-day management of compliance activities and operations.
ERM can also review the efficacy of existing management systems to help uncover and address any opportunities for improvement.
By working with ERM, organizations can increase the efficiency and value of their EHSS management and compliance programs, freeing up resources to focus on achieving greater profitability and higher performance.