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Our new identity

A refreshed brand energizes ERM’s drive to help build a sustainable future

ERM’s original brand had its foundations in science and nature. Our refreshed brand builds on this rich heritage and the central role of nature in our future through the continued use of a spiral. It also captures the economic and societal transformation now needed, which we are passionate about helping to drive.

168极速赛车开奖现场直播结果+开奖结果 create impact by investing in organizations that make a difference

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ERM at COP28

168极速赛车在线开奖官方网站 168极速赛车开奖直播 Operationalizing the path to net zero: the 2030 challenge

From accelerating decarbonization to scaling renewables and using disclosure regulations to drive performance, ERM will be sharing our expertise around how to deliver meaningful climate action at the pace required.

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